"A todos los que se agregan a las filas de la conversión se les debe asignar un puesto de trabajo". Testimonios, Vol. 7, p. 30. EN VIVOSERIE ACTUAL
El Señor nos permite a todos nosotros el privilegio de ser sus embajadores, (2 Cor. 5:20) , o representantes a través de los cuales su Amor, Compasión y Gracia pueden ser manifestados a estos miembros olvidados de la sociedad. Que todos elijamos, individualmente, permitir que Él haga una gran obra dentro de nosotros para el honor y la gloria de Su nombre.
Three Angels’ Messages Enthusiastically Adopted by Adventist Global Church Using New, Creative Initiatives
Three Angels’ Messages Enthusiastically Adopted by Adventist Global Church Using New, Creative Initiatives With an expansive reach across global Seventh-day Adventist Church departments, entities and lay member organizations, the Three Angels’ Messages Project...
The Adventist Church in Tanzania Gains 40,000 Members Through Media Evangelism
The Adventist Church in Tanzania Gains 40,000 Members Through Media Evangelism The Adventist church in Tanzania celebrated the new births of over 40,000 members who embraced the Adventist hope through baptism after a three-week media evangelistic campaign. Themed...
JAMES BARNES A product of the radical 60’s and 70’s, my life as a Black Panther was marked by drugs, alcohol, street crime and violence. Arrested and imprisoned more than a half- dozen times eventually led to my faith in Islam. However, the void inside remained …...