Mr. Jackson
Potomac Prison Ministry


Addicted to meth and cocaine by age 18, I had alienated my family, quit high school and was facing up to 99 years in prison. Under a cloud of shame, fear and depression, I wanted to quit the world. That’s where Jesus found me. Facing a 20-year prison sentence, I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and was baptized in Jesus’ name in January of 1995.

After spending over 5 years in prison, I was accepted into one of the finest liberal arts schools in Texas. Sensing a call to the ministry, I graduated in 2004 with a B.A. in Secondary Education and History. I am now married to the love of my life, and the Lord has blessed Amber and I with our beautiful daughter, Ava. One year ago, we were installed as pastor at Christian Life Center in the greater Milwaukee area. God does more than deliver from sin, He makes all things beautiful in His time..